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Can a Pregnant Woman Get Wisdom Teeth Removed

pregnant pointing teeth

Many pregnant women experience complications starting from their second trimester. Body pains, vomiting, unexplained appetite, and feeling dizzy are some of the many things that pregnant women had to endure in nine months. Dental problems could arise too. For instance, your wisdom tooth suddenly erupted, causing you pain. Is it okay to have your wisdom teeth removed while pregnant? Generally speaking, yes. Dental procedures such as tooth extraction are deemed safe, given that your dentist practices precautionary measures. Follow these tips by this dentist in Richmond, NSW , to keep your oral health in good condition all the time.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction While Pregnant

dentist and pregnant patientAccording to dentists, almost all dental procedures are safe, including oral surgery and tooth extractions, excluding teeth whitening treatments. However, if possible, dentists recommend postponing wisdom teeth extraction until after the pregnant patient gives birth. This is, of course, if the wisdom tooth is not causing any pain and discomfort.

Why are tooth extractions postponed?

As far as healthcare providers are concerned, treating a pregnant woman is critical. Nobody wants to pose any risk to the expectant mother or the baby she's carrying. In most cases, dental extractions would require x-rays and the use of local anesthesia. These things could cause complications that might affect the unborn child.

Therefore, a lot of dentists prefer to postpone wisdom teeth removal after the delivery of the baby. However, the procedure is done with utmost care for the mothers' safety.

Safest period to have wisdom teeth removed

Wisdom tooth extraction is usually done during the second trimester. This is the best time to undergo any oral surgery. Why is that? For starters, the first trimester is critical because the fetus is still under progressive development. On the other hand, lying for an extended period of time in a dental chair could be pretty uncomfortable for pregnant women. This is because this is the trimester where they mostly feel back pain and other discomforts.

Factors considered in wisdom teeth extraction

If, indeed, the pregnant woman cannot bear the pain caused by her wisdom tooth, her dentist might consider oral surgery. After all, leaving the tooth for a period of time could also cause various complications in the mouth. And poor dental health has a massive impact on our overall health. The principal dentist at Bondi Dental lists the factos that make someone a candidate for wisdom teeth removal:

  • you are in extreme pain, and it's affecting your daily activities
  • your chewing abilities are significantly changing
  • there are apparent signs of infection
  • the teeth are at risk of damages
  • you cannot speak properly
  • bleeding gums are starting to occur

Other Dental Problems During Pregnancy

Apart from erupted wisdom teeth, some pregnant women also experience other dental issues, including;

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is usually caused by changes in a pregnant woman's eating habits. We all know that they are very fond of snacking during pregnancy, hence, severely exposing their teeth to increased carbohydrates. The collected starch from foods could potentially cause tooth decay, and severe cases might require tooth extraction.

Gum Infection or Gingivitis

Gingivitis is the result of poor oral care and not cleaning the teeth regularly. Some of its symptoms include bleeding gums, inflammation, and red and swollen gums. This could cause serious dental problems, so it's best to visit your dentist right away.

Pregnancy Tumors

According to data, pregnancy tumors rarely happen, and only 5% of pregnant women experience this condition. This is the emergence of extra tissues between the teeth because of excess plaque. However, the plaque slowly diminishes away after giving birth.

Dental X-rays and Anesthetics For Pregnant Women

Most dentists do not require X-ray if their patients are pregnant. However, in circumstances where it is indeed needed, you need not worry too much. Dental X-rays use ultra-low radiation, and your dentist will most likely cover your abdomen to ensure that the fetus will not get exposed to it. Moreover, your throat will also be covered as a way of protecting your thyroid as well.

Furthermore, anesthetics are essential in tooth extraction as well. This will numb the treatment area and alleviate any discomfort. According to studies, anesthetics are generally safe and do not pose any significant risk for pregnant women or their babies.

Preventive Measures

oral care routineProper oral care is essential not only for pregnant women but for everyone. However, the risks of getting gingivitis and cavities are at higher levels during pregnancy. To prevent tooth extraction while you are pregnant, here are some of the things that you should do:

  • Practice proper oral care. Brush your teeth regularly, and always consider flossing and mouth washing.
  • See your dentist on your scheduled appointment for a routine checkup. Do not forget to mention that you are pregnant, to be on the safe side.
  • As hard as it sounds, try to stay away from sugary and starchy foods. These types of foods promote plaque buildup, which eventually leads to cavities.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoke affects the health of our teeth and of our bodies.

Excellent oral health is the key to ensuring that you don't experience unlikeable dental problems while you are pregnant. So be sure to follow these tips so that you and your baby are safe from infection no matter what.


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Can a Pregnant Woman Get Wisdom Teeth Removed
