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If a Guy Asks Whe Are We Hanging Out Again

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Asking someone to hang out can feel similar a big step at the start of a new friendship. It may be a classmate, a coworker, or someone you met at a party. Even though it feels scary at showtime, request someone to hang out doesn't take to be stressful. Let someone know that you'd similar to hang out quondam in the hereafter, or enquire them to hang out at a specific consequence. Be assuming past inviting someone to join you on a spontaneous outing.

  1. 1

    Ask in a casual manner. If you have been planning to ask them for a while, don't come on too strong. Go along yourself calm so that when you ask them to hang out information technology doesn't come beyond as desperate or pushy. Take a jiff and use your regular conversational tone.[1]

    • You'll audio too eager if y'all say, "Y'all are so cool and I really want to spend more than time with you."
    • Be coincidental when y'all enquire a classmate past saying, "Man, everytime we talk, this guy is droning on in the groundwork. We should chill outside of grade onetime."
    • If yous had fun with someone at a party, say, "It'due south been a swell meeting, do yous desire to catch upwards later on sometime?"
  2. two

    Apply a specific mutual involvement equally a reason to hang out. You may have a hard fourth dimension asking someone to hang out without a specific reason. If you're asking someone you know you have a common interest with, apply that to your advantage. Tell them it would exist fun to do the activity together sometime.[2]

    • If y'all always talk to a coworker virtually the Walking Dead, ask them if they want to come up over and scout it with you. You know you're both gratuitous when information technology's on, and the hangout has a ready time frame so they tin divide when it'southward over.
    • You might meet someone that works out at your gym. Since you are probably there effectually the aforementioned time, ask them if they'd want to work out together. Say, "We could both have a spotter and push each other to work harder."
    • Say to someone, "I've noticed nosotros always seem to be painting in this studio at the same time, would y'all want to run across upwardly and really pigment together erstwhile?"


  3. iii

    Be confident that they will say aye. Information technology's no good to ask someone to hang out if you lot tell yourself they won't want to. Arrive the mindset that y'all are fun to hang out with and that the person yous inquire will say yes. If you lot are confident in yourself and make a direct ask, the person will be more open than if yous seem timid when you ask.[3]

    • Don't say, "You lot're probably decorated near of the time and have a lot of other friends already, but we could hang out sometime if you want to it. It's okay if you would rather non."
    • For an example, think about a co-worker you'd like to hang out with. Catch them in the suspension room and say, "We should find something cool to do outside of this place old." It'southward elementary, shows your interest, and leaves things open to developing.
    • If you're in a weekly club with someone, say, "Y'all know, we meet upwards here every week. Let's take hold of some nutrient after the coming together quondam." Again, it's direct and shows that you are bold they would be interested.


  1. i

    Tell the person some times that piece of work for you. When you ask someone to hang out, make certain you have a few times in mind when yous know yous're free. Think of three dates within the next two weeks that you'd want to do something. Offering those dates to the person and enquire if they are free during any of those times.

    • If you ask them to hang at an unspecified time in the future, it'southward less probable to happen. If you give them three dates, there's a decent chance they'll be able to say yeah to one of them.
    • You lot might have one night a week that you always proceed open in case something comes up. Tell them you lot're usually free on Tuesday nights and ask if next Tuesday would work.
    • For example, "I'm looking for something to do in the next couple of Saturdays, would yous desire to hit the shops downtown and and then get some lunch?"
  2. 2

    Invite them to an event that is coming up. If you already have a party or gather planned, even if yous aren't hosting it, invite the person to come to the outcome. Since it is happening at one specific fourth dimension, if they aren't able to attend, they are only turning downwardly the event and non you. This is too less pressure than a 1-on-one hang out.[4]

    • If you lot are having a Super Basin political party, invite them to join y'all. It's a mutual event, information technology'due south set at a specific time, and in that location volition be plenty of people to interact with.
    • Maybe you lot don't have anything specific that'south coming up. Plan something with a group of friends for the purpose of inviting the person you desire to get to know.
    • It doesn't have to exist a private event. Ask the person if they want to get to the town festival and walk around together. They would probably become anyway, and it's a laid back, public event.
  3. three

    Brand plans for the following weekend. Throughout the week, people may have set schedules, but they are often more open on weekends. If you typically only see people in a weekday surroundings, ask them to do something over the weekend. This gives you morning, afternoon, and dark times to work with.[v]

    • Weekends are good considering people are oftentimes more open to late nights on Friday and Saturday, and they may have more complimentary time during the day on Sabbatum and Sunday.
    • Weekends also offering more than events like community theater, farmer's markets and festivals, concerts, and parties.
    • Say, "After this long week, I need to blow off some steam this weekend. Would yous want to hit up the shooting range on Friday after work?"


  1. 1

    Enquire them to get to an upcoming meal. If you are at work or getting out of form around lunch time, ask the person if they want to eat luncheon together. If y'all both packed your luncheon, you could sit and eat together. Otherwise, inquire the person if they want to get out for luncheon together. This works because you both need to eat and information technology'southward a depression-pressure style to hang out.[6]

    • It doesn't have to be an immediate meal. Ask someone to take hold of dinner when yous go off work or see upwardly in a few hours when you lot end what y'all're doing.
    • If you exit a party tardily at night, ask if they desire to grab some late night food at a nearby diner.
  2. 2

    Transition from class or a meeting into hanging out. If you lot're with the person at work, a order meeting, or class, enquire them if they want to do something when the engagement is over. Enquire them while yous're in the meeting if they desire to hang out afterward, or enquire them right when it is over if they want to become practise something.[vii]

    • They may have things going on back to dorsum, but a lot of times people volition exist gratuitous when a scheduled event has ended. Take advantage of this gap in their schedule.
    • Say, "I've got a couple of hours to kill when the grade is over, do you want to go walk around the quad?" This is a simple fashion to hang out and it'due south a depression-pressure ask since information technology's spur of the moment.
    • When you're heading out the door after piece of work or an organisation meeting, say, "I'm going over to Poor Richard'due south to grab a potable. Do you want to come hang out?" Getting a drink after work is mutual, so this type of question will seem normal to them.
  3. 3

    Invite someone to get wherever you lot're going. Anytime you're about to practice something and you meet someone you want to hang out with, enquire them to bring together you lot. Since y'all are going to do it no matter what they say, information technology'due south not a big deal if they plow yous down. If it's a person y'all see every day, you have unlimited options of what to invite them to.[8]

    • This works when you are on your way out of the dorm to come across a movie, leaving your apartment complex to become for a hike, or leaving the office to play ultimate frisbee.
    • Arrive the habit of inviting people to come along with you wherever y'all are going. Afterwards a while, they will get used to you asking and eventually they will say yep and bring together you.


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  • Question

    How often should I ask friends to hang out? Once a month?

    Community Answer

    I oftentimes ask my friend to hang out every three weeks. You can spend short amounts of time with them often, or long amounts of fourth dimension every month or 2. It's your option.

  • Question

    My BFF has a new friend and ever talks most her. She has classes with her, merely I don't. I desire to be the girl'south friend besides. Any tips on becoming friends with a friend's friend?

    Community Answer

    Enquire your friend to tell you more about her, similar what she'south interested in, what hobbies or activities she enjoys, etc. If you find you have something in common, yous can probably build a friendship from that. Starting time past asking your friend for an introduction, or merely arroyo the girl yourself and say something similar, "Howdy, I'grand [your proper name], I'k a friend of [your friend's name]."

  • Question

    How can I ask my boyfriend to hang out?

    Definitely cilantro

    Definitely cilantro

    Community Answer

    Invite him to go practise something with you, whether information technology'south a engagement or just casually hanging out.

  • Question

    Asked a friend to hang out, she said she would call me back and allow me know I text her and chosen her just there'south no respond. Is she blowing me off?



    Community Answer

    Yeah, she is trying to wriggle out of answering by non answering only that'due south a articulate sign she doesn't want what you want. Attempt to see her in person, and so you can ask her near it. Ask if there is something wrong. Can you remember anything y'all could of done to make her not respond to you? If you don't become a chance to come across her in person, send a message request if y'all did something incorrect or why she is ignoring you.

  • Question

    And then, I did the "casual" way of asking, just I did information technology on a Tuesday and via group chat. Do you think if I enquire again on Wednesday merely in person I volition come up off as abrasive?

    Community Answer

    If I were you I would wait another day at to the lowest degree, and inquire on Thursday or Friday, only it's probably non a big deal if you lot actually want to ask on Wednesday.

  • Question

    Is information technology the same for texting?



    Community Respond

    Yeah. Merely text them "hey, want to hang out at (insert wherever)?" If it's something more than deep and serious, I would propose telling them in person.

  • Question

    Basically, I got dumped past my friends and when I was friends with them, I kind of drifted with anybody else and now I don't know who to hang out with.

    Community Answer

    Being dumped by your friends, or them telling you they don't want to be friends with you is very hard. Looking for people with the same interests as you can exist awesome and exciting. I'd propose you talk to some people you desire to talk to by making up your mind who you actually desire to spend time with rather than "globe-trotting with everyone else" as you call it. Sometimes you take to have the courage to brand a determination instead of waiting for someone else to befriend yous.

  • Question

    If my friend got a new friend and he's hanging out with him more, what should I do?

    Community Answer

    It's okay to have more than ane friend, and so you lot might want to co-operative out and make some new friends too. You tin likewise attempt to get to know your friend's new friend and see if you can all hang out together. If you feel like your friend is really neglecting you, speak up and tell him yous miss hanging out with him and you lot're feeling left out.

  • Question

    How do you brand friends with people in school if they have already made their friends and you don't have any friends?



    Community Answer

    Go to a group or pair of friends that you retrieve are nice and volition brand a dainty friend and just hang nearly them more and brand chat with them and ask them if you can sit with them at lunch and then they'll go the hint that you want to be their friend. If they say to yous you can hang out with us then great if not and then it shows that they're non prissy people so cull another group or pair of friends and start again. Information technology may take time but if you go on waiting and be patient then yous have more guarantee that you will make expert friends.

  • Question

    What if I'm quaternary-wheeling three best friends who hang out often? Since I have strict parents who don't let me hang out and I'g not as close to them every bit they are to each other.

    Tom De Backer

    Tom De Backer

    Top Answerer

    Not all, but the vast majority of cars need 4 wheels to exist counterbalanced. Then yous're not superfluous; no human being always is. Consider that two people don't simply go from start meeting to all-time friends in under five minutes. And so in my eyes, you're doing just fine. Spend time with these friends, give them every chance to become to know you amend, and get to know them besides. Practise the aforementioned with other people simultaneously. Making friends is somewhat like falling comatose: it will definitely happen, you lot simply take to wait long enough without worrying.

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Article Summary X

To asking someone to hang out, say something similar, "Hey, you want to chill after form sometime?" Or, if you have a mutual involvement, like a sport or a TV show you both like, you tin use this as a reason to hang out. For case, if you lot both similar watching football game, say something similar, "You want to go to a bar and watch the game on Sun?" Alternatively, if you're leaving class or work together, yous can ask what their plans are for the rest of the day. If they're not decorated, ask if they want to get a drink, play some video games, or any you both like doing. For more tips, including how to invite someone to an activity you lot're already going to, read on!

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If a Guy Asks Whe Are We Hanging Out Again
