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If you desire to send and receive AOL mail service from another email program, you'll offset need to set up your AOL server settings.

Unfortunately, if you lot oasis't washed this before, this can seem complicated.
But don't worry.

This article includes all the details y'all need to do this easily.

I'll include the SMTP, Popular, and IMAP settings for an AOL email address and how y'all tin fix them up for your AOL email plan.

I'll also explain how to configure general AOL mail settings to arrange your preferences and what to do if y'all're having difficulty adjusting your AOL mail settings. Finally, I'll respond 2 FAQS about SMTP, POP, and IMAP.

This Article Contains:

(Click on a link below to jump to a specific section.)

  • SMTP and Popular/IMAP Server Settings for AOL Post Server
    • AOL SMTP Settings
    • AOL Pop Mail Server Settings
    • AOL Mail IMAP Server Settings
  • How to Set Upwards Your AOL Server Settings
  • How to Configure AOL Postal service Settings
  • How To Resolve Problems When Configuring AOL Mail Settings
  • SMTP, Popular, and IMAP FAQs

Let'southward dive in.

SMTP and POP/IMAP Server Settings for AOL Mail Server

Here are the SMTP and Popular/IMAP server settings for AOL Mail:

Note: If you want to know what SMTP, POP, and IMAP are, feel free to skip ahead to the FAQ section . You tin e'er jump back hither when you're done.

1. AOL SMTP Settings

SMTP Server proper name:

SMTP Port: 465

Encryption: TLS / SSL encryption

SMTP Username: your entire AOL email address (including the "")

SMTP Countersign: your AOL post countersign

ii. AOL POP Mail Server Settings

AOL Server name:

Port Number: 995

Encryption: SSL

Pop Password: your AOL mail service password

three. AOL Mail IMAP Server Settings

AOL Postal service IMAP Server:

Port: 993

Encryption: SSL

IMAP Password : your AOL electronic mail password

When inbound your account info, make sure that you use your full email address, including Also, ensure that SSL encryption is enabled for both incoming and outgoing mail.

Note : For AOL users who migrated to AOL's e-mail service with Verizon e-mail, check out my commodity on How to Set Upwards Verizon E-mail Settings to fix up your mail service account.

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Side by side, let's look at how you can add together account settings in e-mail clients, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, etc.

How to Ready Your AOL Server Settings

In virtually cases, your e-mail app allows yous to set up SMTP, IMAP, and POP settings via your account settings in the mail service app you're using.

All you demand to practise is add your AOL account to the email application and enter the SMTP and POP/IMAP parameters in your account settings to fix your incoming and outgoing mail server.

For instance, here'south how you lot can go about a manual setup for these protocols in Microsoft Outlook business relationship settings:


Open your Microsoft Outlook mail app.

Go to File > Info > Account Settings > Server Settings .

Then, click on Outgoing Post and enter the relevant settings.

server settings

AOL SMTP Settings

AOL Server name:

Server Port : 465

Encryption : TLS/SSL

Authentication Required: Yes

SMTP Username : your entire AOL email address (including the "")

SMTP Password : your AOL account countersign

Y'all can employ the same outgoing server mail setting to set up your AOL app for a Mac or Windows ten mail app, an Apple iPhone or Android mobile app, or a web browser program.

Now you're all set up to brainstorm writing the emails you demand to send from your e-mail programme!

If you need assist with starting your emails, here's a handy guide that tells you everything you need to know about how to start your emails.

ii. Popular and IMAP

After y'all've fix your SMTP settings in your post app, y'all can begin sending approachable mail service from your AOL account.

However, you still need the AOL Mail POP settings or AOL Mail IMAP setting to receive incoming mail from your email service!

Don't worry.
Just similar setting upwards your SMTP settings, configuring your AOL mail IMAP setting and AOL POP settings is besides a piece of cake.

If you have an Outlook business relationship (formerly Hotmail), navigate to File > Info > Account Settings > Server Settings .

So, click on Incoming Mail and enter the network settings.

account settings

Hither are the AOL mail service settings you need to set up either incoming server protocol for your AOL inbox:

a. AOL POP Settings

AOL Server name:

Server Port: 995

Encrypted connection: SSL

b. AOL IMAP Setting

IMAP Server:

Server Port: 993

Encrypted connexion: SSL

Once you're done with your incoming mail server business relationship settings setup, you should begin receiving your AOL webmail on your email app as well.

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How to Configure AOL Mail Settings

If you're looking to make your AOL mailbox more efficient, or mayhap y'all just desire to give it some personality, you can customize your AOL email settings.

Fortunately, y'all don't need to be an advanced user or a techie to configure your mail setting in your AOL mail account.

Any user tin can personalize how they write AOL emails, manage incoming emails, change the general look of their inbox, and more.

Here'due south how AOL users tin access AOL mail settings :

i. Sign in to your AOL Mail account.

2. Click on "Options."


3. Select the tab for the setting yous want to change.


In one case you've accessed your mail settings tab, here are the various settings you lot tin can customize:

1. General Settings

  • General Settings lets you customize all the basic aspects of your AOL mail service account, such as:
  • Today on AOL: Check this box to show the latest news, postal service tips, and unread emails.
  • Sender Proper name Brandish: Choose whether y'all want to display the email sender's name or their email address.
  • Reading: Choose how yous desire the emails to be displayed in your inbox.
  • New Post: Cull whether y'all desire to be notified when a new electronic mail arrives and customize the notification settings.
  • Mail Away Bulletin: Notify senders of your absence with a mail abroad message. Yous tin can either create 1 of your own or use a predefined i.
  • Car Sign Off: Fix up your email to sign off automatically afterwards a specific period of time. This could be helpful if you utilise a public computer or oftentimes forget to log off.
  • Theme Suggestions: Arrange your post interface by choosing one of the AOL app themes.
  • Contacts: Select how y'all want your contact information displayed.
  • Pop-upwardly Windows: Bank check "Always write mail in a new window" to ensure that each fourth dimension you compose an email, it opens in a new window.


two. Etch Settings

The Etch Settings deal with your outgoing email configuration.

Nether AOL's Compose Settings, you lot can customize your message settings and so click "Save" to finalize your selection. Hither are the different settings you lot can configure:

  • Cc/Bcc: Choose whether yous desire Cc (Carbon Copy) or Bcc (Blind Carbon Re-create) options displayed when composing messages.
  • Default Compose Mode: Choose how you want the email compose screen displayed.
  • Write mail in a pop-upward screen: Select this to have new emails composed in a pop-up screen.
  • Write postal service in total plane compose: Select this to have new emails composed in a full plane format.
  • Write mail in a carve up window: Select this to accept new mails composed in a divide window from your mailbox.
  • Rich Text/HTML: Create a signature and enable Rich Text/HTML editing to use your preferred font and colour.
  • Brandish Name: Enter the name you desire the recipient to see when you lot transport an e-mail.
  • Autosave: Select if you want your email to save automatically afterward a sure amount of time.
  • Sending: Here are the settings you tin can enable in this option:
    • Choose if yous want messages checked for spelling before sending.
    • Cull if y'all want an e-mail address automatically added to your contact list subsequently you lot've sent an e-mail.
    • Choose if yous want an email confirmation to appear on a carve up folio when an electronic mail is sent.


3. Filter Settings

Yous tin too create filters to ensure your incoming AOL emails go where you want them to.
Y'all can create, edit or delete filters from the aforementioned screen.

A. To Create a Filter

  • Click "Create Filter."
  • Enter the parameters of the filter.
  • Click Relieve.


B. To Edit a Filter

  • Move your mouse over the filter name.
  • Click "Edit."
  • Enter the alteration you want to make.
  • Click "Save."

C. To Delete a Filter

You can delete a filter past clicking the Ten next to "Edit."

D. Spam Settings

Here are the spam e-mail settings y'all tin customize:

  • Spam Filter: Adjust the filter to a stricter level if y'all want to avoid receiving spam messages.
  • Content Filter: Create a filter with any keyword yous don't want to receive, and those emails volition go straight to your spam folder.
  • Block Senders: Create a blacklist of senders whose mail service you lot don't want to receive. You can have them sent to your spam folder automatically.


four. Agenda Settings

You can arrange these calendar settings for your AOL emails and then click "Salve" to finalize your selection:

  • Default View: Select your default view – 24-hour interval, Week, or Month.
  • Time Zone: Choose your time zone.
  • Display: Cull what time your mean solar day usually starts.


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Now that I've explained how to adjust AOL mail account settings, I'll cover what to do if you're having problems configuring your AOL Mail settings.

How To Resolve Issues When Configuring AOL Postal service Settings

AOL might display some error messages when you're trying to configure your mail settings.

These error messages could be due to security changes made in June 2021 — when AOL stopped assuasive connections from sure 3rd-party apps unless a user updates their password settings.

Some third party desktop programs affected include Thunderbird Mail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, and Windows Mail service. Some of the mobile third-party email apps affected include the iOS Mail app, Gmail app, and Samsung Mail app.

If you're one of the people experiencing this error during setup of your AOL mail server settings, here's a quick gear up for this outcome:

  • Go to and click on the mail icon to sign in to your AOL mail service account.
  • Go to "My Contour."
  • Select "Change Password ." Yous'll then take to sign in to your AOL mail service account, and a screen volition appear.
  • Select "Manage App Passwords."
  • Select your device from the list.
  • Select "Generate app password " and follow the instructions below the password.
  • And so, use the app password along with your e-mail accost to sign in to your email app.

Once you complete these steps, you should be able to configure your AOL settings.

If you utilise multiple devices to check your AOL mail messages, you'll need to follow this procedure with each of these devices.

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SMTP, Popular, and IMAP FAQs

I'll answer two FAQs about the SMTP, POP, and IMAP protocols to articulate any confusion you may have:

ane. What Is SMTP?

SMTP is a protocol needed to fix your AOL mail service business relationship in another email customer.

But what exactly is a protocol, and how does SMTP help yous?
A protocol is a set of rules that dictate how communication occurs or how information is sent betwixt one mail service account and some other.

Simple Mail service Transfer Protocol , or SMTP , is a protocol used by email software to transport outgoing mail to the recipient's e post account via your email provider.

How does it work?
SMTP uses a Mail Transfer Amanuensis (known as the SMTP Relay), which ensures that all your mail service goes to the right due east mail account.

Ajay'southward Email Tip

If you lot don't know the correct electronic mail address of the person you want to email, a skilful email finder tool tin can assist you lot. Explore the top 5 e-mail finder tools bachelor today to identify what meets your needs best.

The SMTP Relay helps send email from SMTP clients, which are the email programs you use, to each SMTP mail server.

What is an SMTP mail server ?
An SMTP mail server is whatsoever computer that runs SMTP!

This outgoing server makes sure your email message takes the correct route to your recipient'southward mail awarding. Each e-mail moves from server to server until it reaches its destination.

By the mode, to discover how to rail your outgoing mail accurately, read my commodity on the best e-mail tracking software you can use in 2021.

SMTP uses a fix of commands that simplify this sending process between multiple email servers from your outgoing server. However, it tin't transmit attachments — only text.

And so how are your attachments sent?
Ordinarily, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) protocol comes into play here.

It encodes the not-text information into text before sending an email through your email providers to your chief, CC, and BCC recipients.

BCC refers to "Blind Carbon Copy" and helps you send emails to recipients discreetly. Only you shouldn't use BCC to send emails to multiple recipients.

Cheque out my guide to using BCC correctly for more data.

2. What are POP and IMAP?

As SMTP deals only with sending outgoing mail, you need something to receive incoming mail in your mail awarding inbox besides, right?

That'due south where Popular and IMAP assistance you. You can gear up your incoming postal service server to receive all email letters through your email provider using either the POP or the IMAP protocol.

Allow's take a look at how these incoming server protocols work:


POP stands for Mail service Role Protocol, which is used to receive incoming mail. The current version that's widely in utilize is POP3.

POP3 is great for personal computers every bit it downloads incoming emails to the local device any time you desire to check your postal service. This fashion, you don't have to be online to cheque your emails!


The Net Message Admission Protocol, or IMAP, is another protocol used to receive incoming emails from your email service.

Unlike Pop, IMAP protocol saves all of your incoming emails on a mail service server. Every time you check your inbox, your email program contacts the incoming mail server and lets you access your mail from whatever device with an internet connection.

Essentially, your IMAP server acts as cloud-based storage for your emails. That's why IMAP is considered a more efficient and faster culling to POP3.


To sum it up, POP3 downloads incoming post to your local device while IMAP stores them on a server. This makes IMAP a more than efficient option.

However, IMAP requires a stable cyberspace connection every fourth dimension you desire to cheque your emails, while Popular allows you to bank check your inbox offline.

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Concluding Thoughts

While AOL webmail features a powerful postal service client of its own, information technology'southward piece of cake to set up your AOL e-mail business relationship on whatsoever email app of your choice.

You lot can also customize your AOL mail settings to better suit your needs with ease.

Simply follow the steps I've covered in this article to configure your settings, and you're all set to manage your AOL electronic mail account.
